Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Billion Dollars Isn’t Cool. You Know What’s Cool? Basic Human Decency

'"Business!" cried the Ghost, wringing his hands again. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"' - A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

I know, I know. I'm old. Worse than that, I'm nostalgic. In the past few months, I've written about my love for fountain pens, and traditional publishers, and paper books, and handwritten letters, and live theater, and downtown Las Vegas. Those who follow me on Twitter will have read about my love for the New York Times Crossword, and hotel writing paper, and socializing with friends sans mobile phones. It's cute to be the token Luddite at TechCrunch -- but it's also hugely disingenuous. I'm writing this stuff on Twitter, and on a hugely popular technology blog. You could cut the irony with a knife. The truth is, I love technology. It's rare that I dismiss or disparage a new gadget, app or company without trying it out at least once; and I certainly believe that - on balance - the more technologically advanced we become as a society, the better the world becomes. And yet increasingly I wonder whether, for the sake of humanity, it might not be a bad thing if the earthquake comes and tips all of web 2.0 into the sea.


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